Tuesday, July 31, 2012

On my way - One step at a time

Okay, I have sucessfully scheduled an appointment with a counselor at the community college so that I can go in and figure out what all I have left to do to receive an associate's degree.

One step at a time. :)
Just like sewing! You go one step at a time and then you end up with something nice. :)


Monday, July 30, 2012

Current Life Update

Well I am pretty much settled in Oklahoma.
I am staying with family until I can get back on my feet.

This week's goal is to find out all I can about enrolling back into school. I did not complete my associates degree while in Texas so that is my first major goal. I know that many college graduates are having a tough time finding jobs right now so I am keeping the job market in mind when I think about going on to a four year college or simply learning a trade. I am grateful that I would be able to go to college if I chose to but I also understand that route may or may not be the best choice for my future.

Thanks to the support of my family I was able to get a new car that I can depend on and not worry about for the next few years. My last vehicle was a great one and it took care of me during it's last run and all of the previous owners in my family that had it before me.

I have joined the local Toastmaster's group, mainly to help me overcome my own insecurities and be more confident in my own skin.
The first speech I am to make (in my own time thankfully) is what they call an Ice Breaker speech.
Pretty much I will be talking about myself.
Sounds pretty easy, right?
No such luck for me at the moment. Whenever I start to think about what I would say about myself, I pretty much come up a bit blank. I don't honestly know myself well enough to tell other people about myself.
That is another one of my major goals, learn to be myself and not care so much about what other people might think.
My first step in this direction, I have decided, will be with the way I dress. I have discovered that I love 50's style dresses and just dressing nicer in general. Yes, I will always want to wear jeans and a t-shirt but I also want to only wear those when it is a bit more appropriate, for instance to a foot ball game or when doing weekend cleaning. The rest of the time I want to look nice and respectable.

Lol, if my parents read this I can imagine them shaking their heads and thinking, "I thought she would never get it!"

I have a friend in Texas who is dealing with a daughter that is in need of a good clean start over. I hope and pray that she will be able to start over as I have and I am very grateful that I have been giving the chance at a fresh start over.

I hope to post more pictures soon but until then I hope I can appease you with something a bit older.